Thursday 12 February 2015

RFC Specification For vCard

RFC IN VCARD RFC stands for request for comments is a publication of Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the internet society. It is an internet standards track for the internet organization. Purpose of RFC is to look the behavior, innovation, and research applicable to the working of internet and inter connected system.

RFC 2425 AND RFC 2426

A MIME (Multi-purpose internet mail) content –type for directory information. Reference specification for vcard 3.0 is contained in RFC2425 and RFC2426.

vCard 3.0 Property Example
Note An access classification is only one component of The general security model for a directory service. The classification attribute provides a method of capturing the intent of the owner for general access to information described by the vCard object. CLASS:PUBLIC CLASS:PRIVATE CLASS:CONFIDENTIAL
ADR delivery) address (type = dom(domestic), intl(international)(default), postal(default), parcel(default), home, work(default)) (content fields are in order: Post Office Address; Extended Address; Street; Locality; Region; Postal Code; Country ADR;TYPE= dom, home, postal, parcel: ;;421 New Street; Old Town;CA;91901;
BDAY birthday (YYYY-MM-DD) bday; value=date:1999-09-21
VERSION VERSION value corresponding to this specification MUST be 3.0 VERSION:3.0
FN Specify the formatted text corresponding to the name Of the object the vCard represents. FN: Mr. MIKE Q. Public\, Esq.
LANG Used to identify data in multiple languages. LANG: en- USA
ORG Specify the organizational name and units associated With the vCard. ORG: Lotus Development Corporation
REV Specify revision information about the current vCard. REV:1995-10-31T22:27:10Z
ROLE Specify information concerning the role, occupation, or business category of the object the vCard represent. ROLE: Programmer
TEL Specify the telephone number for telephony Communication. TEL;TYPE=work, voice ,pref, msg:+1-213-565-1280;
TITLE Specify the job title, functional position or Function of the object. TITLE: Director\, Research and Development
TZ Specify information related to the time zone of the object. TZ;VALUE=text:-05:00; EST; Raleigh/North America
UID Specify a value that represents a globally unique Identifier corresponding to the individual or resource associated with the vCard UID:19950401-080045-40000F192713-0052
URL Specify a uniform resource locator associated with The object that the vCard refers to. URL:

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